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25 Ways to be a Better Human Today

Just pick one of these ways to be a better human to start practicing today and you’ll already be on your way to a happier, healthier, more rewarding life! Come back to this list and pick a new one each day!

1.) Call an old friend. It’s always nice to know you’re missed and someone is thinking of you!

2.) Smile at strangers.

3.) Stop the comparisons.

4.) Think before you act and speak. How to be a better person today

5.) Share positive articles on social media instead of complaining. #GoodVibesOnly

6.) Change your perspective. Perspective determines everything.

7.) Go to yoga. I repeat. Go to yoga.

8.) Get out in the world and have fun. Fun, laughs, and smiles are contagious.

9.) Discover how to truly be happy for others.

10.) Know every experience is valid.

11.) Ask for help when you need it.

12.) Learn something new.

13.) Hug more (they have magical healing powers)

14.) Stop driving like an asshole. Just let the person over dude. And take turns when merging.

15.) Have good social etiquette. No, this has nothing to do with social media, it’s about manners. Hold the door open, say “excuse me” when you burp, and use please and thank you.

16.) Give more compliments. They scientifically help people to believe in themselves and motivate them to succeed.

17.) Put down the iPhoneHow to be a better human.

18.) Wake up each day with an open mind.

19.) Be good at sharing. Especially with knowledge.

20.) Clean up after yourself. Don’t forget that this is part of adulting.

21.) Stop judging everyone and everything around you.

22.) Reciprocate the support you receive.

23.) Donate. Time, money, clothes, old toys, whatever. Just give something to others who need it more than you.

24.) End your day by acknowledging and appreciating the good things.

25.) Identify what being a good person means to you.

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