Do you remember your first time?
I know what you’re probably thinking, but that’s not the direction we’re heading in. Think about your life as a whole: how many times have you actually gotten something right on the first attempt? There’s a good chance your answer is in the single digits. And you know what? That’s totally okay!
No one has smooth first times.
In today’s world of social media and everyone having a platform to post about their lives, it’s easy to feel like everyone else has their shit together all the time because often we’re not posting our 1st or 2nd attempt at something.
In reality? We all make mistakes. Lots of them. It’s how we improve and advance our lives.
For me, I just tried to make my mom a Ho Ho cake (below) for her birthday, and well, it didn’t go as smoothly as the recipe I was loosely following seemed. I spent almost 3 times as long doing it as the recipe allotted and I used like 5 times the amount of bowls because things kept going wrong. I wanted so badly to be frustrated, but then I remembered, recipes are a combination of all the times someone has done something wrong before reaching the point of it being “right” enough to share. People don’t write recipes off of the first time they do something.
Recipes (or online courses or road trip directions or whatever else you’re getting instructions from) are just guidelines. When we allow space for our own creativity and instincts, we bake things that work for us – a custom cake if you will. Following anyone else’s instructions exactly generally just puts too much pressure on things and ends in nothing but frustration.
Don’t give up if your first attempt has some rough patches. Through your perseverance, you’ll find the path that works best for you. You’re in the process of baking something wonderful, I just know it! <3