Cool things that happened last week and interesting posts people wrote that you should read =)
- Always keep these quotes close by so that you can live a confidently beautiful year! (via Lucy Marie Denim)
- These are THE beauty bloggers you should be keeping up with in 2015. (via Elliven Spa)
- Easy no-code-necessary fixes for your website to improve SEO. (via The Boutique Hub)
- This woman’s efforts to support the greater good and strengthen her community have made her an inspiration and motivation for strong women everywhere. (via Clickless)
- Innovative ways to get you to truly flirt with better business, more fun and an all-around unstoppable life. (via Hello Fearless)
- Home decor trends on the rise this season. (via Mavatar)
- Knowing how to properly handle and field media inquiries, brand partnership requests and service quotes is key to establishing yourself as a reputable brand in the media realm. (via The Working Girl)
- A sneak peek of the new brand that’s going to change everything about swimwear. (via Love & Dawn)
- Your actual New Year’s resolution should be adding these words to your vocabulary. (via us =P)
- Tips for embracing luxury and refinement at your Super Bowl party. (via Refined Side)
- You can’t order him to stop dreaming! (via Shaun Novak Entertainment)
What’s the best post you’ve read (or wrote) this week? I what to see it! Let the link in the comments section below =)… Who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in my Key Posts for next week!
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.