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A New Perspective on Failure

Does this sound familiar? 

You’re a go-getter. A problem solver. You never take a minute to stop because you need to use every hour of the day since that’s the only way to hustle your dreams into reality

Then, all of the sudden, something in your plan of attack doesn’t go the right way. Your whole day is thrown out of whack. Ugh. Before even taking half a second to breathe, you automatically start thinking about how you can solve the problem. You can’t waste time and you’ve got to come up with another solution immediately. Right? 


Before you do ANYTHING – before you freakout, cry, breakdown, etc. – STOP. Then, find a new perspective. Turn your mind around and look at what the hiccup at hand is trying to tell you. Maybe you don’t have to find a whole new solution. Maybe you just need to make a few tweaks (which is a lot less stressful). Try these out: 

There is power in perspective.

The moments that I have failed have been some of the most rewarding places in my life. I’ve come to love failing. Failing is SO valuable and you cannot reach success without it. Appreciate the failures. Soak up every single lesson, perspective, and experience from failing that you can. Failing provides an incredible amount of knowledge that we fail to appreciate far too often.  

Did this inspire you? Do you like my rants or are they driving you crazy? I NEED your feedback! Immediately after you read this post, reply in the comments and tell me how you feel without even thinking about it. Talk to me people! =) 

And in the event you just can’t get enough of me and my thoughts, this is what you need

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