Fun fact: I’m originally from New Jersey (yes, I call it soda, not pop, and I am a huge fan of the New Jersey Devils).
Anyways, growing up so close to NYC, it feels like home to me when I come back and I’ll take any excuse to go there.
While probably unnecessary, but totally worth it, I completely insisted that I needed to be in NYC for the full seven days of fashion week festivities. I have literally been longing for this since I left NYC in September after last fashion week season. As I’m looking back on my favorite moments to share with you in this post, I cannot believe it went by so fast and that I’m already home! Not cool.
Day 1: Not-so-fresh off of a 7 hour bus ride, Ms. Duffy Dossier, aka Alex Duffy, and I arrived in the big apple around 7am on February 6th. Which was really fabulous since room check-in wasn’t until 3pm. Soooo, down to take over the hotel fitness center locker room we went to get ourselves together and re-organize our elephant sized luggage.
Then, it was off to our first fashion presentation, Raoul, where we met our new super adorbs PR intern, Shayna! Look how cute we are:
Moving on… Friday was dedicated to manis, inbox catchup, a butt kicking bikram yoga class, and Pinkberry. Not to worry, we were back in action on Saturday, which was probably my favorite day of the whole week because 1) we went to the Monique Lhuillier show, who is like my favorite favorite designer in the whole wide world (aside Tidal Cool obviously), 2) my glam squad and best friends forever, Melissa and Briana, from Swank Hair Studio, arrived in the city, AND 3) we went to the Monique Lhuillier show (duh)!
Tuesday was a blur, but I know we did some cool fashiony things, and we probably had Pinkberry, again.
Finally, Wednesday – our unexpected departing date. While at a highly anticipated meeting with Vienna Victoria helping to pick out jewels for her new collection at Swarovski Design Center, we learned of a supposedly very serious snow storm that was hitting NYC that night (stupid polar vortex). After extensive weather research, an anxiety attack, forty phone calls between Enterprise/State Farm, and an Orlando Bloom siting, we finally secured a rental car so that we could head out before the messy blizzard.
So from start to end, that is a little window inside of my NYFW FW14 trip. It is definitely safe to say that in my life, there is never, ever, a dull moment. Including both the ups and the downs, I had a fabulous time in New York with the most amazing staff anyone could ask for! I am so grateful every single day that I get to do what I love and still call it work!
I leave you on this note: follow your dreams people. Create your own opportunities and find a way to do what you love! I made this quote up, which might be the most insightful thing you’ve ever heard in your entire life:
“You can have your cake and eat it too as long as you’re the one who bakes it.” – Allyn Lewis
<3 xoxo