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Gorgeous Rain Boots to Brighten Up Gloomy Days

Rainy days suck. A little rain here and there is okay, but constant rain for like a week straight is just depressing. So, how do I keep myself motivated and social on those rainy days? By wearing cute rain boots, of course! I've compiled some of my favorites for you Gems so you can beat those rainy days blues, too!

Currently, I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for the showers that are in the forecast for the next million days in Pittsburgh. I don’t exactly know why, but rainy days just make me so cranky. It’s like I can just feel the gloom in my bones! I crave living in a bright and sunny state like South Carolina, but for a variety of reasons, that’s not going to happen for awhile. So, while on most inclement days I’d rather just hide myself under the covers all day, the show must go on and I still have to be productive. One of the ways I keep the rainy day blues from getting the best of me is by using the opportunity to break out some fun, colorful footwear. What you wear on the outside can definitely bring those same vibes to your mood! You know what they say: some days you have to create your own sunshine (or show up in adorable rain boots!).

Rainy days suck. A little rain here and there is okay, but constant rain for like a week straight is just depressing. So, how do I keep myself motivated and social on those rainy days? By wearing cute rain boots, of course! I've compiled some of my favorites for you Gems so you can beat those rainy days blues, too!

**This post may contain affiliate (which means I make a small commission when you shop from them) and sponsored links (gifted items are indicated with a [c/o] and sponsored links with a [sp]) because we all have to pay our bills, and I’d rather keep creating awesome content for you than get a real job. All opinions are my own.**

1.) Tillie Mid Rain Boot

2.) Purple Hunter Boots

3.) Mezzo Waterproof Rain Boot

4.) UGG Shaye Rain Boot

5.) Whale Print Rain Boots

From Amazon

6.) Western Chief Ditsy Dot Rain Boot (shown in photos – I bought this exact pair college and I can’t believe they still have them)

7.) Joules Womens Evedon Rain Boot

8.) Rhythm Rain Boot

9.) Oaki Midnight Floral Rain Boots

10.) Joules Welly Print Rain Boot

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