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How to Connect with the Right Bloggers for Your Business

In today’s world of over-marketing, consumers are turning to real people and relatable influencers to form their opinions on brands, businesses, and services. Whether you’re a local gym, or a national jewelry brand, connecting with the appropriate bloggers who are cohesive with your brand can create a wave of authentic publicity that can funnel sales and growth!

Before you start:

Choose wisely

In order to maintain the authentic, genuine nature of your brand, you don’t just want to move forward with every influencer you come across. Remember, essentially, these bloggers are creating content for your brand, so you need to feel comfortable and confident they can do so accurately!

If you still have no idea where to start with pinpointing bloggers, here are 40 top PR pros sharing their tips on finding effective influencers to work with!

Make the most of it!

It’s not as simple as sending a sample out and relaxing for week or two and then having a glowing post pop up. Follow these tips to get the most out of your blogger collaborations:

Hope you find these tips successful in your blogger outreach! Feel free to ask any additional question in the comments! And, if you just so happen to be looking for an awesome placement opportunity for your brand, get in touch!


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