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How to Successfully Work from Home

Gone are the days of stuffy cubicle walls, chilly morning commutes, and water cooler woes – remote work is here to stay, so let’s talk about how to work from home effectively! The flexibility, freedom, and fun of a work-from-home job is hard to beat, but we promise it’s not all daytime talk shows and comfy pajamas. Telecommuting requires serious dedication and we’ve got the secrets to help you rock it with these tips for working from home!

Tips for Successfully Working from Home

1.) Find a designated workspace

Curling up in bed with your MacBook is ideal for scrolling through Tumblr and catching up on your Netflix queue, but it’s a passionless way to approach your career if you’re hoping to successfully work from home. Find a space that inspires you. It could be a quiet corner in your apartment with great natural light or a cozy table at your favorite coffee shop. Pair with some mellow mood music and get to work.

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2.) Dress for success

Can you work in an oversized baseball tee and ratty flannel pants? Absolutely, nobody is going to stop you. But there’s something to be said about dressing for success, especially if adjusting to working from home from an office space. You don’t need to be perfectly groomed in an Ann Taylor pantsuit (although this one-button blazer is charmingly tempting), but a little effort goes a long way (even if no one will see you). You’ll feel better about yourself and more confident in your work.

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3.) Communicate well and often

You may be flying solo, but you’re still part of a team. If a project’s guidelines aren’t clear, ask. If you’re not comfortable handling a difficult situation, tell. Make a conscious effort to stay in contact with your supervisor and teammates. Tools like Google Chat, Skype, and Podio exist for a reason – use them!

4.) Schedule your work

Having a set schedule is a crucial part of figuring out how to successfully work from home. It gives your employer, clients, and friends an idea of when you’ll be working and shows that you’re making your career a priority. During office hours, be all-in. When office hours are over, get out.

5.) Schedule your play

Set aside time to enjoy brunch with friends, join a hot yoga class, or relax with a good book and a caramel macchiato. This isn’t a time to finish your errands – it’s a space to invest in yourself. You’ll return to work focused, fresh, and full of energy.

6.) Schedule your energy

When do you feel in the zone? If you’re a happy-go-lucky morning gal, plan to tackle high-energy tasks like writing, creative brainstorming, and client meetings before lunch. If it takes five alarms to get you out of bed, check off low-energy items like answering emails, updating databases, and doing research before heading into a high-energy afternoon. Your productivity will skyrocket and you’ll be less likely to experience job dissatisfaction.

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7.) Take your eyes off the screen

Rid yourself of retina damage and shake things up by drafting that report by hand or requesting a phone conversation over rapid-fire email responses. Know your limits and listen to your body when it tells you to step away from the screen for a few minutes.

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