As I was getting ready for my journey to Europe a wise man (a.k.a. dad) once told me that I had one foot on the dock and another on a boat. Translation: I am half independent and half dependent, and I need to grow up. I still feel like a little kid in my now adult body. How am I supposed to leave the hypothetical dock that is my parents taking care of me and my home I grew up in? Well to be honest it was much easier than I expected. You might have to swim a little till you reach the boat, but the best way to leave the dock is to jump right in.
My journey to Italy was a long and emotional one. On my first plane ride I was sad and missed my family and friends. I wanted to turn back around and jump into my parents arms. When I imagined walking away from them in the crowded airport with my bags packed I thought I could cry. Then I met some amazing human beings on the plane who helped me get where I needed to go on my journey. This gave me hope in a weird way that I would be okay and I was being looked after.
When I met up with my friends for the long plane ride to Europe I instantly felt rejuvenated, a little scared and nervous still, but mostly happy to be with familiar faces. As we traveled together to a foreign land I realized I was not alone with my worries and stresses. Everyone was going through their own emotions about leaving home and talking them out with each other made us all feel more comfortable. Putting your trust and deepest fears in someone else’s hand is scary, but when you have the right people around you it becomes a lot easier.
So from my Italian bed to your comfortable home I ask that you find time to check in with your emotions every once in awhile. Yes, call me Dr. Barone. I know it sounds cliche but it helps balance yourself. Don’t be afraid to put your trust in other people. We are not alone with how we feel and communicating is the best way to get to know others on the deepest level. That is how my friends and new friends on this trip will be able to survive because we know we have each other.
Happy Mindful Monday. Ciao!