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Quitting My Job Was The Best Decision I Ever Made

I was offered my dream job two days after I graduated college. It was a position I never formally applied for, which made it seem all the more magical and meant-to-be. I was promised opportunities to create vibrant community events and manage marketing moves in every form of media, all while having total creative control and three-day weekends. The first few months were a total thrill and not even the 6:30 am commute could bring me down.

But after campaigns had been set in place and budgets reached the brim, I found myself answering phones, filing papers, and running errands for nine hours a day. I had become a glorified office assistant and the only creative control I had involved turning down the newspaper ad salesman that stopped by every few days. I started to dread waking up every morning and hated knowing that I was capable of more.

I left my job with nothing else lined up on December 31st. The type A, rule following, good girl quit without a solid plan. And for one month, I felt anxiety, fear, and self-doubt creep into every little nook and cranny of my body and call it home. It was the most challenging four weeks I’ve ever dealt with. But even on my worst days, I was grateful, I had joy, and I still have absolutely no regrets.

I no longer wake up counting down the hours until I’m back in bed. I’m not up at 3am on a Sunday night because I can’t bear the thought of going back to mindless mediocrity. I’m not numbing myself with five hours of Netflix after work because I’m too emotionally drained to even think about grabbing dinner with friends. I found a job I absolutely adore and have regained my curiosity, drive, and sense of freedom. I am learning the beauty of taking chances and reveling in uncertainty. For the first time in 22 years, I wholeheartedly believe that I can do anything. I’ve unearthed core values, self-acceptance, and deep awareness that never would have surfaced if I had continued to play it safe.

If you feel stuck at a job you hate, please get out. Simply putting in the time and skating by isn’t doing you, your employer, or your clients any favors. Stop waiting for the perfect time to quit and create the perfect time. All the “How To Survive At A Job You Hate” articles in the world aren’t going to help you when you’re already hoping to be half way out the door. Say yes to yourself for the sake of your sanity and well-being. It’s going to be tough and you’re probably going to stress-eat all the macaroni and cheese in the tri-state area, but it’s worth it.

You have to be willing to risk for your dream

The world is never going to change when we settle for safe, easy, and okay. Good things only come from breaking bubbles, smashing ceilings, and going after greatness. Don’t be afraid to switch career paths or build that start-up from scratch. If you’re not passionate and inspired by the work you’re doing, no one else will be. Life is so much sweeter when you’re doing things that not only add value to the lives of others, but to your own. Decide that you deserve happiness, find what you want, and chase after it with all you’ve got. It is possible to make a living doing what you love, but you’ve got to be ready to risk for it.

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