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Five Reasons You Need a Graphic Designer

A lot of companies and businesses hire professional graphic designers, and in doing so, spend upwards of a pretty big sum of money for results that look “high-quality” and are effective in portraying the company’s desired main message.  You say: Hello, haven’t you heard of Google, or YouTube? There’s all kinds of tutorials (and even classes) that allow someone with basic computer skills to learn on their own. Why spend all the extra money? The answer, quite simply, is the same with any profession – a graphic designer got their degree for graphic design or graphic communications or something else along those lines, because (well, we hope) they’re passionate and enjoy what they do. So by default, they’re bound to do better than the average hobbyist or rookie.

These 5 reasons go in-depth as to exactly why professional graphic design could be and is a beneficial investment for your company, and the value that can stem from using professional (*preferably ours) skills and key design principles.

1. Stand out from the crowd – Quality design can give a competitive advantage over competing businesses. Strong branding is an easy way to set yourself apart when competition is high, not to mention absolutely necessary. Which brings me to the next reason…

2. Polish your brand – A solid group of marketing materials with a cohesive visual connection enhances the message your company wants to communicate. Marketing items that carry one single, obvious tone give the impression of a well-structured and well-designed brand.

3. Get more for your money –  Someone who’s already experienced with a strong, keen eye for design and knowledge of the industry will save you time and pay for itself in the long run.  Learning the INs and OUTs of typography, layout, photography, and the use of color yourself is not only possible, but commendable and probably rewarding.  The time and money you’d spend on training and software classes still wouldn’t compare in value to making the practical investment of using graphic design services.

4. There’s more than you think – Graphic designers can provide about a million different services and expertise knowledge for a variety of areas.  Okay, maybe not actually a million. But there are a whole lot – corporate identity, invitations or cards, letterheads, manuals, social media promotions, branding…the list could go on and on. Designers thrive on thinking outside the box; if you have a marketing idea that hasn’t even been done yet with no clue how to do it, chances are a graphic designer will have some idea of how to solve it. Let them worry about how to get it done!

QUICKIE TIP: No matter what kind of project the designer is doing, their goal is to communicate your ideas and vision, with just a touch of their personal style and aesthetic. All thoughts are welcome, so don’t be afraid to be completely honest with your input and feedback!

5. Looks matter – Despite what people would like to think in the real world – in the marketing, business, and graphic design world, looks do matter.  Regardless of the direction the company’s brand is moving towards, there’s still one unified goal for any company – professionalism.  A high-quality, professional brand cannot be achieved with visually unappealing graphics, colors that clash, or layouts that have no balance or can’t grab the target audience’s attention.

* By “ours” we mean – yep, Relevé Public Relations now offers graphic design services for a variety of print and web design needs! We’re excited, and we think you should be, too! Find more information about specific services and pricing here, or email

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