Site icon Allyn Lewis

Savoring the Flavor of this Season

**This post may contain affiliate (which means I make a small commission when you shop from them) and sponsored links (gifted items are indicated with a [c/o] and sponsored links with a [sp]) because we all have to pay our bills, and I’d rather keep creating awesome content for you than get a real job. All opinions are my own.**

Somehow, it’s already July 23rd and I have no idea how that happened.

Summer seems to be slipping by and I’m not okay with it one bit. The weather the past few days here in Pittsburgh has almost seemed more appropriate for fall than summer and it makes me scared that our warm, sunshiney days are numbered.

I want nothing more than to hold on to this season. Everything around me is changing with the recent update to my relationship status (more on that in yesterday’s Sunday Edit post), and I keep finding myself trying to savor something that’s melting away from me as fast as ice cream on a hot summer day (which seems especially quick when you’re trying to capture a photo of it).

These photos were taken almost a month ago, and it’s taken a lot to bring myself to post them (and to find something to write alongside of them) because it’s one of the last tastes I have of a life (and a person) I love that I have to start getting over – evenings spent grabbing Shaun, driving around to find a worthy photo spot, and sitting together enjoying some kind of sweet treat when we were done (my vote will forever be for ice cream, of course). But, there’s still so very much around me right now to soak up and enjoy. When there’s a cloud covering one part of our life, it’s easy to let that storm sneak over everything else, too. But, I’m doing everything I can to not let this summer go to waste, to create moments to savor, and to keep finding the sunshine.

I always style myself to fit the memory I’m making. This night was about slowing down and savoring summer – strolling down a charming street, taking our time, sticking around long enough for the twinkle lights to come up, saying “no” to rushing, and enjoying the sweetness of ice cream. If you’re in Pittsburgh or have plans to visit, I highly recommend Scoops for ice cream! So, obviously no fancy outfit was required. All I needed was the denim tunic I’ve been living in and a pair of summer pants.

I often find myself wanting to wear pants in the summer (especially in the evening when I know the temperature will go down or when I’m going out to eat since everyone thinks we need to have the air conditioning set to 50 degrees this time of year), but the thought of wearing jeans or something similar in the summer sounds so uncomfortable! That’s why I’ve been living in lightweight, linen (or linen-like) pants lately. These would also be perfect for those never-ending beach days – throw pants like this on over your bathing suit as a coverup and then you’re also ready to go for dinner in the evening as well! You can never go wrong with a piece of clothing that you can transition from day to night because you’ll know you will get a lot of wear out of it. The ones I’m wearing are from TJ Maxx, so I don’t have a link for you, but these ones from Old Navy have got to be the next best thing with how amazing the reviews are!

Also, know that the most important summer accessory isn’t a beach ready basket bag, flower statement earrings (although I do love these), or slide sandals.

It’s ice cream.

And by ice cream, I really mean memories (or the memories of sharing ice cream with the people you love, at least!).

So no matter what is on your plate right now, put your stress down every now and then to savor the flavors of summer and enjoy the ice cream.

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