In this post: Discover how to be productive in the morning with this productive day routine to get more done and stay on track! We assume that productivity means hustle and bustle; moving faster, doing more. I would like to propose a different way to understand productivity with my daily morning ...
Your Dreams Are Sourced from Your Own Potential
Your dreams are sourced from your own potential. So, if you weren't capable of doing this, your intuition would've never let you start it. Just keep going. Somewhere inside of you there's this little, quite voice that believes in you because you're still here, showing up for your big ...
When It Comes to Thinking About Your Intuition: Don’t
Intuition. I used to really hate intuition. Everyone can agree that intuition is a subconscious sense of knowing. Knowing where to go, what to do, who that person is, or what will happen next. I used to think some people were blessed with more intuition than others. I used to think I had a gimpy ...