If you're familiar with email marketing, you'll know that when you receive a "personalized" email, it's actually not personalized at all. Quite the opposite. Every email marketing software out there allows you to automate this, so that you can address every recipient by their first name. I don’t ...
How to Create Real Life Practical Magic
Over Thanksgiving, I dug in to instances of what I call Practical Magic (for more on this concept, you'll love Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear). After a particularly dramatic day, my fibromyalgia went haywire and I felt myself becoming overwhelmed, unable to stop it, and ...
5 Reasons Why You Need to Give Words to Your Heart and Share Your Story
I have news for you. Ready for it? You have something extraordinary. I know that it can be so easy to look outside of yourself and think that is where the answers are. But I think it is time for you to take a moment to look within. You see that beating heart in you? You see that story that is ...
5 Powerful Ways Your Business Grows When You Use Your Story
You know you have a great product/service. People tell you they love what you're doing and you're seeing engagement within your online presence, and yet, no sales. What gives? You're not using your soul and you're significantly missing out on the value your story has ready to serve up for ...