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Unlock Confidence with La Clé Jewelry

La Clé Jewelry has created a product that is both unique and inspiring. Their name translates from French as, “the key,” but these aren’t your ordinary key-shaped pendants. Each pendant is a real repurposed vintage key, and each color represents a different positive quality. The color will fade over time, but unlike most faded jewelry, that’s actually a good thing:

“As the color of your key fades over time, it symbolizes the positive energy you’ve absorbed from your key words. Once the color of your key is completely gone, you have the power to make a difference. Take a picture of your #NakedKey and send it to us with a note about what your color/word means to you, and La Clé Jewelry will make a donation in your name to a charity of your choice!”

Key Colors

We spoke with the founder, Deanna Saracino, about being an entrepreneur, time management, Scandal, and which key means the most to her:



CR: How did you come up with the original concept for La Clé?


DS: I had some big, life-changing things happen professionally and I just decided that I was going to work for myself and only work on projects that inspired me and allowed me to have complete creative control.


I have always loved simple statement jewelry. I wanted to come up with a line of jewelry with a purpose and message that not only added some coolness to your style but sent a positive message. When I was a kid I always wore my house key around my neck and have always had a slight obsession with vintage keys.

I came up with all the colors and meanings and then kind of sat brainstorming on how I could tie it all together. It took about a month to really work through how I could do that in a cool way that I thought people would appreciate, and then one day it all just unfolded in my head. With the help of my mom, we worked through the kinks of how the “#NakedKey concept would work and voilá: the purpose behind it was born!


CR: What has been the most challenging part of getting La Clé off the ground?


DS: I think the most challenging part was just embracing starting something that most people would think would be totally out of left field for me. I always have so many ideas and am always thinking of different projects to work on – some work; some don’t – but just taking this idea and committing to making it real.


Soccer has been my life for so long, so finally changing direction to some of my more creative passions like music and fashion took a little bit of a leap of faith. Amazingly enough, I’ve had such an instantaneous amount of support from people about La Clé, so that immediate validation of people loving what I am doing has made it so easy!

CR: What kind of feedback have you had from your customers?


DS: All the feedback has been 100% positive so far, which has been amazing! I didn’t expect that what I was doing would be so well-received. People love the colors and the meaning behind them. I have lots of new color ideas for the future, and I always love hearing ideas on how my customers would love to see the line expand!


CR: I love that each key is vintage! Do you know where they came from, or are their backstories a mystery?


DS: Yes! All the keys are old vintage repurposed real keys that all have a story. They come from different parts of the world and have this amazing mystery about them. When I look at some of these keys I can’t help but think, “What do you open?!”


I just love what keys symbolize. A key symbolizes so many things like opportunity, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge, responsibility. Truly an amazing little thing we all don’t pay much mind to.

CR: If you had to choose one of your own color/quality pairings to suit your own life right now, what would it be?


DS: I am definitely trying to embrace my inner Orange. (Focused and unstoppable) I am just trying to dedicate myself to working hard and staying on track with bringing all my ideas to fruition!


CR: Have you gotten to donate in honor of a Naked Key yet?


DS: Not yet, but I have a few customers who are coming close, I think! Depending on how much you wear your key, it can take anywhere from six months or more to start seeing some wear on your key. I am really excited for the first #Naked Key! It will definitely be a milestone for me.


CR: Do you have any personal favorite charities or causes you’re interested in?


DS: Yes! Right now the Jillian Loyden Foundation is the main charity I am working with. They empower and inspire children and young adults as they face life’s challenges, specifically stemming from issues of domestic violence.


The #EveryVoiceCounts campaign is so important to talk about and I am so honored to be a part of such a great cause right now. Five dollars from every purple key goes towards the foundation.


CR: La Clé is focused on inspiring self-esteem and confidence in others. How did you find those qualities in your own life? Is there anyone or anything that especially inspires you?


DS: I think everyone needs a little reminder now and then about how awesome and truly unique they are. It’s interesting how many things can affect your mood and how you feel on a daily basis about yourself.


In my own life, I try to focus on what makes me happy and surround myself with people who only lift me higher and appreciate my energy and who I am. I find inspiration in everything and everyone I love, especially my daughter, Cameron, who’s four years old. She just has such a good soul and her innocence just constantly reminds me what’s really important in life. I really try to empower her to be independent and excited about life, learning and engaging with people.


CR: In addition to your jewelry line, you’re also a mother and the president of Standard Vinyl. That’s a busy schedule! Do you have any tips for time management, or for staying energized and focused during a long day?


DS: Yes, I am very busy, to say the least! I’m constantly juggling several things at once, but I am lucky enough to be blessed with my mother’s multitasking skills. I just find a way to get everything done while paying attention to detail. It’s definitely a natural high to be able to take on so much at times and get things done successfully.


I’m old school and I stay very organized with daily to-do lists and a fairly strict schedule. I work hard in clusters throughout the day, taking lots of little energizing breaks. It’s quite nice to bounce from working in music – which is another great passion of mine – with Standard Vinyl, to the jewelry line with La Clé. I also coach soccer full time, so getting outside and getting that release daily is really great. I am so lucky to be able to do what I love. It’s fun to be busy when it’s something you are passionate about.


CR: What do you like to do in your free time?


DS: I like exploring something new with Cameron or enjoying my friends, going to shows and concerts or playing sports. I love exploring and finding new cool places in and around D.C., or nearby with a quick road trip, whether it be an antique store, a new restaurant or park. I love living in this city where there is so much going on; there is always something new to discover!


CR: Since you live in Washington D.C., I have to ask, do you watch Scandal? We’re huge fans!


DS: Yes! I just got into it! I’m late to the party, but i work better playing catch-up with awesome shows like this. It’s so fun to watch and know that it’s your city! Just like House of Cards or The Wire (Baltimore), it makes it so surreal when you can visualize where things go down!


CR: What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?


DS: Surround yourself with great people. Be really bold and really humble. You’ve got to take risks and work hard. Don’t underestimate your own value, and don’t underestimate the value of pure assertiveness and passion. Just go for it.

Follow La Clé on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. And don’t forget, they sell effin’ brilliant T-shirts as well:


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