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VLOG 33: Amusement Park Life Lessons

When you think about your time spent at amusement parks, you probably think fondly of it, right? But, if you break down the day, it's spent doing things we typically don't enjoy like waiting, walking long distances, and rushing. So, if we can still leave amusement parks feeling good, why can't we do the same with life?

As my family and I stood in line for the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, what would be the last ride of our Orlando vacation, I thought to myself, “most of the time spent at amusement parks kind of sucks”. First, if your family is anything like mine, you do a lot of deliberating trying to figure out what to do next, then you do a lot of walking, then you do a lot of waiting (although we lucked out this time around because we had Universal’s Express Passes). After that, you get a minute or two of excitement before starting the process all over again.

And yet, we walk away knowing memories were made, thrills were had, and the day was well spent. Even though probably 85% of the time there was spent doing things we don’t normally love doing (like waiting).

However, when life seems to be throwing us 85% grueling or unfavorable moments and 15% exciting or thrilling moments, we aren’t normally happy campers.

Most of us have come to terms that life isn’t always all rainbows and butterflies, but we do hope that the good and the bad moments at least even out. Maybe good and bad times aren’t meant to be weighed by the same scale. Good times mean more, they impact us more, they fulfill us more, but they have a shorter lifespan than unpleasant moments. So, my first amusement park life lesson for you is that even though it might seem like unsatisfactory moments are saturating your life, remember the majority of amusement park minutes aren’t exciting. It’s up to you to allow the positive moments to speak louder than the negative at the end of the day. It’s up to you to let the joy mean more, even if happiness seems like it’s in short supply right now.

Watch this week’s video for two more amusement park life lessons that are sure to give you a healthy dose of inspiration for approaching the rest of the week with a refreshed perspective! And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can be the very first to see my new video each Monday.

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