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When One Door Closes… You Know the Rest

“Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later.” This quote comes from an unexpected form of inspiration, a father of Superman in a movie called Man of Steel. When talking about opportunity this quote sparked some unexpected mindfulness. There are thousands upon thousands of quotes out there that have been spoken by remarkable philosophers, activists and world leaders. They encourage us to take opportunities. So why are opportunities so hard to come by? They are there, we just do not take them.

It is easy to talk the talk but actually walking the walk in any case of opportunity can be difficult. Why is this? In my opinion, I feel fear is a large portion of not taking risks that will better your life or at the least give you some good life experience. How many opportunities have you missed because of fear or you were content just where you are?

In my life, I have usually played it safe when it came to my career because I was scared of failure. Then from long talks with my mom and dad I realized that I could not possibly know if I am going to fail because I never even gave it a chance. It is okay to hear a hundred no’s, all it takes is one yes to dramatically change your life for the better.

Opportunities do not stop with careers. It could be your soul mate you overlook because you over analyze a relationship that has not happened yet. Maybe you miss out on an experience of your lifetime because you were scared to fly on a plane, or less dramatically you did not want to be tired for work the next day. We all need routine in our lives, but try not to let the routine get in the way of your happiness of pursuit.

Step out of your comfort zone, your safe little bubble. Do something for yourself that you know deep down in your soul will make you happy. Put your faith in something or someone and hope that you can trust it. If you open yourself up to the possibilities of life, your life will be more fulfilling for you. It will not be the destination that gives you the most pleasure but the memories, emotions and actions of the ride that takes you there.

Happy Mindful Monday! Continue to inspire others everyday by sharing the possibilities of opportunity.

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