Whether or not you're in PR, I'm sure about 90% of you people reading this post probably wish that there were more hours in the day. And while I can't gift you more hours, I can tell you some of my secrets to making the most out of the hours you already have! Getting more done is not necessarily ...
Brand Before You Market
Brace yourself, because what I'm about to say might come as a shock to you - branding is not marketing. I repeat, BRANDING IS NOT MARKETING. Marketing is tactical in that it consists of many many small scale steps and campaigns to progress your business towards your goals. Branding is a strategic ...
Daily Do’s to Becoming a Better PR Girl (or Boy!)
Once upon a time Aristotle said something along of the lines of “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” We like to think that Aristotle was giving PR practitioners the blueprint to success through this statement. Taking Aristotle’s words in relation ...
Benefits of Blogging as a Brand
Four years of managing my own blog taught me a lot. But managing company blogs as an account coordinator for a PR agency gave me an entirely different perspective. It showed just how beneficial of a communication tool blogging as a brand could be. A blog can offer brands a powerful channel to ...
How to Use Twitter Chats to Grow Your Brand
As business professionals, we are expected to know the tools of the trade. Twitter is one of these great tools. If you’re not on Twitter and are a business owner, you should probably get an account as soon as possible. Twitter is very beneficial for entrepreneurship. Whether you want to build ...