Site icon Allyn Lewis

The Sunday Edit – Volume 23

Baby shower mermaid themed dessert and candy table

In The Sunday Edit, we talk about two things: 1) Struggles – real moments that happened from my week that were not so great and 2) Shines – awesome things that happened along with what products have been making my life easier, what new Gem finds I’ve come across, and the best sales going on right now!

**This post may contain affiliate links (which means I make a small commission when you shop from them) and gifted items because we all have to pay our bills, and I’d rather keep creating awesome content for you than get a real job. All opinions are my own.**

New Posts on The Gem:

Life Update & Thoughts:

Happy Sunday, Gems!

So so so much has happened since I checked in with you for my last Sunday Edit, which was exactly a month ago (whooops).

For starters, I successfully survived my sister’s baby shower and created the most epic dessert/sweets/candy table ever (photo below, but I’ll include more detailed shots in another post, promise!).

Between a new car payment, and a growing desire to move south, I’ve been spending the last few weeks figuring out how to make this work financially. That includes a mixture of taking a small step back from my business so that I can find a bit more consistency in how much I bring in every month. This thought was awful at first, but it’s also been really hard to rely on my creativity to support me over the last few years. So, I’m actually looking forward to temporarily giving my passion some breathing room and taking some of the financial pressure off of it. Don’t worry, I’ll still be blogging! I’m not setting my blog down, I’m just going to focus more on writing and connecting – less on strategy and marketing.

One of the things I’ve wanted to do is extend my photography skills to capturing moments for other people. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, but I was just nervous that I wasn’t good enough. That my skills weren’t ready. But you know what, I’ve been using a DSLR for over 2 years for all sorts of blogging things and I do know what I’m doing. So, I decided I’d throw out a Facebook post about doing mini photo sessions two weeks ago and holy moly did this get an even better response than I could have ever imagined! So far, I’ve shot 3 mini sessions, have 4 more scheduled, and have a bunch of people interested in booking them. Thank you, Universe, for allowing this flow to happen and for showing me that I’m on to something! If you’re in Pittsburgh and could use some new photos for your blog, your business, your family, or yourself get in touch!



Currently Loving:

  • I bought these scrunchies the other day and the 90’s child in me is SO excited about them!
  • I also got new sneakers, which are purple and have a touch of sparkle (of course). They’re so pretty! I’m normally like a 7-7.5 but got an 8.5 in these because they run really small. They’re even on sale right now!

Current Sales:

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