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The Sunday Edit – Volume 37

In This Post: Even though I wear cute outfits (sometimes) and take pretty pictures, my Sunday Edit posts are all about connecting with you on the real, not so Instagram-worthy moments that happen each week. I also include a few of my favorite things!  

**This post may contain affiliate links (which means I make a small commission when you shop from them) and gifted items because we all have to pay our bills, and I’d rather keep creating awesome content for you than get a real job. All opinions are my own.**

New on The Gem:

This Week in Life:

Hi Gems,

I just got back from another road trip last night. This year, I skipped out on New York Fashion Week to explore more of Charleston, SC to get a better feel for what areas and neighborhoods I might want to live in. Mission accomplished! Now, my next steps are to start getting most of my belongings into a storage unit (I’m not taking much with me for now) and to keep an eye on houses/apartments… and saving as much money as possible, which Julia Engel makes so hard with how much I love the Gal Meets Glam Collection dresses every month. Have you seen September’s dresses yet?! I’ll just leave these here:

Anyway, now that I’m back home, I’m feeling so many things today. Grateful for another week away (I LOVE traveling), overwhelmed by how much there is to catch up on, mentally unprepared to pick real life back up, hopeful to have taken another step forward in the moving process, bummed that there’s not another confirmed trip on my calendar, heartbroken to get back to dealing with some of the personal things going on in my life, motivated to sit down to write my blog posts from the week, excited that I have some fall outfits to share with you, and anxious about who even knows what, because I don’t know how to not be anxious.

Before I left, there were so many things I wanted to have done. So many problems that seemed necessary to solve, so many posts and to-do list items that felt absolutely essential to do. I only got through a few of them before I left. I even had all of these things I wanted to get done while I was traveling that I never got around to doing. Now that this trip is over, I can look back and see that those problems felt so much bigger than they needed to at the time. Life kept happening and nothing major fell apart just because I didn’t get those things checked off my to-do list. It’s all still there, it all still needs to be done, but that pressure was unrealistic and unnecessary.

I hope that’s the message you take with you today and hold with you throughout the week. I can’t tell you when, but I can tell you that whatever you’re dealing with today isn’t always going to seem this big. One day, not too long from now, it’s going to seem so much smaller. Find a bit of comfort in that. 

Keep scrolling for this week’s shines and struggles, what I’m loving, photos from this week, sales you don’t want to miss, and what I could use your help on!



Currently Loving This Week:

This Week in Sales:

This Week in Photos:

This is a very small little preview of photos from this week in Charleston (I have SO many)!

Asking for help on:

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